
The reviews on this new book by Karen McDonnell Hilligoss keep coming in and they are amazing. Please read the below reviews.
Please contact Karen McDonnell Hilligoss by clicking the link to email her or you may reach out to her via mail at

Karen McDonnell Hilligoss
PO Box 105
Montgomery, IL 60538

A Fascinating Read!
Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2020
From the moment I picked up Karen’s book and started reading it, I just couldn’t put it down. I am a personal friend of hers, so I felt like I was sitting there listening to her pour out her life story right in front of me. Her writing is so fluid and conversational, it didn’t skip a beat!

I applaud Karen for capturing her feelings and having the courage to share them with the world. It’s sometimes hard to put into words the thoughts, emotions, and events that occur in times of crisis and despair, because as she had mentioned – it can all become a blur.

Her book is such an easy, relatable, and fascinating read, I literally read the first half in one sitting. I only had to stop because I had to make dinner for my kids and myself!

Also, on a personal note, because of Karen doing this and sharing her work with me, she has lit a fire under me to finish my writing projects as well.

As I am also a fellow Dr. Wayne Dyer fan for many years, she reminded me of what he often said … “Don’t die with your music still in you.”

Thank you, Karen, for this beautiful gift you have given the World, and sharing your “music” with us!

God bless you!

“Heart wrecking and intensely emotional journey into the stage of motherhood”
Reviewed in the United States on June 5, 2020

Karen M. Hilligoss author of the “Father Of Motivation,” gave us a heart wrecking and intensely emotional journey into the stage of motherhood. For any new mother, no matter what race or origins, religion, or beliefs this book gives value. The book allows the reader to step into Ms. Hilligoss’s shoes on her voyage of the four stages of grief, doubt, anger, sadness, and acceptance. The fact remains that almost all of the human race has in one form or another experience the four stages of grief at some point in our lives and this is why the author’s story is relatable. This book is touching brings your imagination alive and her inspirational-spiritual connection with Dr. Wayne Dyer. One of my favorite quotes from the is “I now understand that the purpose of life is to enjoy the journey.”

Cherrian A. Chin,
Southern California

The Power of love to provide the purpose and joy of life…read this book and let your heart soar!
Two lives intersect to help each other on a shared mission to uplift humanity.

One is a famous man, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, who is known around the world. The other, Karen McDonnell Hilligoss, is an attorney, wife and mom who means the world to her family. This extraordinary book, written clearly and from the heart by Hilligoss, follows the abundant clues left behind as their souls meet across time and space for the good of each other and for the good of all.

The author shares her conscious, chosen awakening as she moves through the pain of having two children on the special needs journey whom she is desperate to help. She describes her anger with God, her despairing doubt about His existence. Yet, she goes on to convey how her hope and resilience reignited. She was drawn to the words of Dr. Wayne Dyer, as a moth is drawn to flame, by Dr. Wayne’s sacred message, “Love is eternal.”

Thus, she was led back to God, recognizing that this message shines a light on love as the single antidote, the single direction, the single piece of advice that is the universal answer to sorrow and challenges. It soothes autism, it soothes selective mutism, it soothes loss, it soothes injustice, it soothes illness–it even soothes death. The Song of Solomon teaches us that “Love is stronger than death.” And, as this magnificent book points out, there is actually no death–only Love. Which is Life. Which is the matrix of reality. Thus, even as we move through time in the book, it becomes irrelevant whether or not Dr. Dyer was still alive or had crossed over at any given moment of the story.

So many, many examples of Hilligoss’ challenges–and then her noticing of serendipity and synchronicity and coincidences that all led her forward, out of suffering and into purpose and joy. With evidence too strong to dismiss, she describes why she feels that the soul of this compassionate man keeps showing up with messages that encourage her to stay strong as a spiritual being having a human experience.

I love how she honors her parents as well as Dr. Dyer, on the journey, and shares what a powerful role her beloved mother played in guiding and accompanying her on her path. The stories she shares are a foreshadowing of her own children’s current and future honoring of her, as they have participated in and witnessed how she, their own beloved mom, chose courage over fear, joy over sadness, and purpose and pattern over seeming randomness. Hilligoss models for them how to be in the face of challenge; to be a hero of one’s own journey, to write one’s own story of one’s own life and not allow anyone else to do that–not even (especially not even) one’s children. They can witness, describe, and influence that story–yet not write it.

She also honors her husband Chris for the extraordinarily good, spiritual man he is. How beautiful, and what a wonderful partner and gift he is to her–empowering and encouraging her on the journey that means so much to his life partner. The parents’ model for their fortunate children what it looks like to love and honor one’s spouse

I enjoyed witnessing how in Hilligoss’ honoring of Dr. Wayne Dyer, she learns to honor her own life. Even the estate of Dr. Dyer recognized her pure love and purpose in attributing her transformation and emotional healing to their deceased loved one, and blessed her efforts.

Of course, timing is all. Even in these dark times, God is showing Hilligoss and the reader how He uses everyone and everything and every detail of every situation to remind us how blessed and purposeful our own lives are. In every generation.

Thank you, Karen McDonnell Hilligoss. Thank you, Dr. Wayne Dyer. Thank you, God. Thank you all for your never-ending, unconditional love for each of us. Let us celebrate!

“The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that say: ‘Give thanks to the LORD of hosts, for the LORD is good, for His mercy endureth for ever’, even of them that bring offerings of thanksgiving into the house of the LORD. For I will cause the captivity of the land to return as at the first, saith the LORD.” –Jeremiah 33:11
Heid Rome
New Jersey

A bold new memoir
It is often challenging to write about a personal quest, let alone a spiritual quest, yet McDonnell Hilligoss does this boldly in her new memoir, “How the ‘Father of Motivation’ Taught Me That Life Is Worth Living.” Hilligoss wastes no words recounting how she was inspired by the works of Dr. Wayne Dyer to shun despair and allow hope to re-enter her life, beset as it was with difficult circumstances. For anyone who endures or who has survived an existential crisis, this powerful book is a testament to the strength of the human spirit as well as a touching reminder that our words and example may inspire others well into the future.

Mary Finnegan
Homer Glen, IL

Enjoy this incredibly immersive book of true experiences
As an author Karen has a way to get straight to your heart. In her book, “How Dr. Wayne Dyer taught me that life is worth living”, she connects you with her life journey and spirit of Dr. Dyer himself. The tough moments of her life become the catalyst for her inner transformation. As she allows the spiritual presence of Dr. Dyer to take flesh in her being, the struggles turn into fertile ground for the words of Dr. Dyer to bear abundant fruit. It’s a journey that transforms belief in love (love is eternal) to an experience of love (unconditional love does exist) to love becoming the purpose of her life. Enjoy this incredibly immersive book of true-life experiences.

Patricia Eversole

A joyful read
Karen M. McDonnell Hilligos has written a book that is uplifting and sprinkled with goodness. Reading about her struggles as a mother of children with developmental disabilities and how she was ministered to Dr. Dyer to develop a deep and lasting relationship with God is inspiring!

Judy Goddard
New Jersey

This book took me on a journey that opened my eyes to the magic and miracles in my own life.
I highly recommend this book for people who want to reconnect with the magical synchronicities in life that we sometimes lose sight of. It is a memoir that reads like a suspenseful novel while taking the reader on a spiritual journey of discovery. As Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “there are no coincidences in life” and this book appeared in my life exactly when I needed it most. Thank you, Karen Hilligoss, for your bravery and vulnerability in sharing your personal struggles and your spiritual awakening.

Cathy Byrd
Los Angeles, CA

The Spirit Messenger felt Dr. Wayne Dyer’s while reading this book!
I have been so grateful to receive the blessing of reading, Karen’s book at such a pivotal moment in my lifetime. Her words helped me to identify an area in my life that needed more love and intention to the details. Her love towards her children and husband is captured magnificently. I can feel the essence of Dr. Wayne Dyer throughout each page. I love how he is still taking part in her journey as she is sharing his as well. This book in its final chapter is a true account of a woman taking an unexpected joyride through life and finally choosing to stop where the roses are to take it all in. Thank you, Karen for choosing to share your story. I will never forget it.

Ty Gold
Daytona Beach, FL

An extremely uplifting memoir that will change your life!
have purchased and read this book by Karen McDonnell Hilligoss. In the Preface, Karen notes that the book is for optimists but the book is also written for the reader who is living a life of surviving rather than thriving, to the reader who is unhappy with his or her life journey, and even for those readers who have asked, “Why am I here?” and “Do I really have to stay here?” After reading Karen’s book, I certainly believe that the Preface is entirely accurate. In the book, Karen shared her inner battle with a belief in God and she shared how she learned to stop demanding perfection from herself and obscuring God’s love for her. Karen truly learned that God loves her despite every mistake that she has made throughout her entire life. I do believe that Karen’s message that we must believe that we are worthy of God’s unconditional love is a powerful message for our current society. After reading this book, I, myself, felt that God was sending me a personal message that He has unconditional love for me. I do believe that God is very present in my life. I would definitely recommend this book.

A Witness to God’s love and kindness.


Outstanding true story exemplifies Dr. Wayne Dyer’s message of hope!
Love never dies and no one knew that better than Dr. Wayne Dyer! This easy to read book takes us on a loving, and sometimes, perilous journey of faith and it re-awakens many of the poignant beliefs of the famous speaker and teacher, Dr. Dyer. For author, Karen McDonnell Hilligoss, it is her own heartfelt, personal story of tears to triumph that finds it’s beginning and miraculous ending in the lifelong “words of wisdom” Dr. Wayne Dyer imprinted on our world! Not a believer yet? How can he speak to Karen from the grave?! That’s what I like best about this book! Living proof there is a God who knows us better than we do ourselves! He’s got our back, even when we can’t see it! A “must read,” for all who search for hope and find that “LOVE” is so-o-o definitely eternal!

Rose Bush
Palos Hills, IL

An inspirational story
I recently read this book with extreme interest as I am the aunt of two children with autism. I enjoyed the author’s candid writing about raising two children with disabilities and the ups and downs that go with this life journey. I have watched Dr. Wayne Dyer for years on PBS and I have always enjoyed his specials wherein he taught the world about motivation, self-confidence, and God. I absolutely adore this kind and gentle spoken man. After reading this book, I have no doubt that Dr. Dyer appeared to the author with this very important message. Dr. Dyer is definitely continuing his life message of teaching the world about divine love from beyond the grave. This book is an absolute must read for fans of Dr. Dyer.

Sandy Beach
Chicago, IL

A wonderful read!
I purchased and Read this book, I purchased it because I have a son with Autism, and knowing the Struggles it takes as a Autism Parent to raise a Child on the Spectrum, it was comforting and spiritual to me to read this. She was Inspired by Dr. Wayne Dwyer, Even though her life Journey is very different from mine, It was comforting to know I am not alone. I am so happy I picked this book up I can relate to a lot she had to share, especially acceptance. It gave me a new outlook on how to handle my journey and to help guide my son with faith and with God’s Grace.

Tabitha Sorrentino
Montgomery, IL

Inspiring True Story of Hope
I love real life stories of hope. This book is just that!! When life hits you hard and the road ahead seems really dark, how do you navigate the path? What happens when the “perfect” life you design for yourself and are willing to work for, just is not the hand you are dealt? What happens when a person of faith begins to question where is hope? How do you get your motivation to really live a vibrant life again when you just want to hide? THIS IS A STORY THAT STORY OF HOPE!

Karen shares her story of professional whose true vocation is wife and mother. She learns the real purpose of raising children is to be content and love the people God made her children to be, to celebrate the small victories that have big impact in the world and to teach your children to love God and to love others. Karen’s strong faith life, while shaken allowed her to find hope in an unlikely source outside of her faith tradition. It’s a quick paced, engaging read.

Brian Gallagher
Montgomery, IL

A must read.
From the moment I picked up Karen’s book and started reading it, I just could not put it down. I am a personal friend of hers, so I felt like I was sitting there listening to her pour out her life story right in front of me. Her writing is so fluid and conversational, it did not skip a beat!

I applaud Karen for capturing her feelings and having the courage to share them with the world. It’s sometimes hard to put into words the thoughts, emotions, and events that occur in times of crisis and despair, because as she had mentioned – it can all become a blur.

Her book is such an easy, relatable, and fascinating read, I literally read the first half in one sitting. I only had to stop because I had to make dinner for my kids and myself!

Also, on a personal note, because of Karen doing this and sharing her work with me, she has lit a fire under me to finish my writing projects as well.

As I am also a fellow Dr. Wayne Dyer fan for many years, she reminded me of what he often said … “Don’t die with your music still in you.”

Thank you, Karen, for this beautiful gift you have given the World, and sharing your “music” with us!

God bless you!
Dawn M. Staszak
Montgomery, IL

Two lives intersect to help each other on a shared mission to uplift humanity.
One is a famous man, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, who is known around the world. The other, Karen McDonnell Hilligoss, is an attorney, wife and mom who means the world to her family. This extraordinary book, written clearly and from the heart by Hilligoss, follows the abundant clues left behind as their souls meet across time and space for the good of each other and for the good of all.

The author shares her conscious, chosen awakening as she moves through the pain of having two children on the special needs journey whom she is desperate to help. She describes her anger with God, her despairing doubt about His existence. Yet, she goes on to convey how her hope and resilience reignited. She was drawn to the words of Dr. Wayne Dyer, as a moth is drawn to flame, by Dr. Wayne’s sacred message, “Love is eternal.”

Thus, she was led back to God, recognizing that this message shines a light on love as the single antidote, the single direction, the single piece of advice that is the universal answer to sorrow and challenges. It soothes autism, it soothes selective mutism, it soothes loss, it soothes injustice, it soothes illness–it even soothes death. The Song of Solomon teaches us that “Love is stronger than death.” And, as this magnificent book points out, there is actually no death–only Love. Which is Life. Which is the matrix of reality. Thus, even as we move through time in the book, it becomes irrelevant whether or not Dr. Dyer was still alive or had crossed over at any given moment of the story.

So many, many examples of Hilligoss’ challenges–and then her noticing of serendipity and synchronicity and coincidences that all led her forward, out of suffering and into purpose and joy. With evidence too strong to dismiss, she describes why she feels that the soul of this compassionate man keeps showing up with messages that encourage her to stay strong as a spiritual being having a human experience.

I love how she honors her parents as well as Dr. Dyer, on the journey, and shares what a powerful role her beloved mother played in guiding and accompanying her on her path. The stories she shares are a foreshadowing of her own children’s current and future honoring of her, as they have participated in and witnessed how she, their own beloved mom, chose courage over fear, joy over sadness, and purpose and pattern over seeming randomness. Hilligoss models for them how to be in the face of challenge; to be a hero of one’s own journey, to write one’s own story of one’s own life and not allow anyone else to do that–not even (especially not even) one’s children. They can witness, describe, and influence that story–yet not write it.

She also honors her husband Chris for the extraordinarily good, spiritual man he is. How beautiful, and what a wonderful partner and gift he is to her–empowering and encouraging her on the journey that means so much to his life partner. The parent’s model for their fortunate children what it looks like to love and honor one’s spouse

I enjoyed witnessing how in Hilligoss’ honoring of Dr. Wayne Dyer, she learns to honor her own life. Even the estate of Dr. Dyer recognized her pure love and purpose in attributing her transformation and emotional healing to their deceased loved one, and blessed her efforts.

Of course, timing is all. Even in these dark times, God is showing Hilligoss and the reader how He uses everyone and everything and every detail of every situation to remind us how blessed and purposeful our own lives are. In every generation.

Thank you, Karen McDonnell Hilligoss. Thank you, Dr. Wayne Dyer. Thank you, God. Thank you all for your never-ending, unconditional love for each of us. Let us celebrate!

“The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that say: ‘Give thanks to the LORD of hosts, for the LORD is good, for His mercy endureth for ever’, even of them that bring offerings of thanksgiving into the house of the LORD. For I will cause the captivity of the land to return as at the first, saith the LORD.” –Jeremiah 33:11

Heidi Rome
New Jersey

Karen M. Hilligoss author of the “Father of Motivation,” gave us a heart wrecking and intensely emotional journey into the stage of motherhood. For any new mother, no matter what race or origins, religion, or beliefs this book gives value. The book allows the reader to step into Ms. Hilligoss’s shoes on her voyage of the four stages of grief, doubt, anger, sadness, and acceptance. The fact remains that almost all of the human race has in one form or another experience the four stages of grief at some point in our lives and this is why the author’s story is relatable. This book is touching brings your imagination alive and her inspirational-spiritual connection with Dr. Wayne Dyer. One of my favorite quotes from the book is “I now understand that the purpose of life is to enjoy the journey.”

Cherrian A. Chin,
Southern California

I have purchased and read the book, “How the Father of Motivation Taught Me That Life is Worth Living” written by Karen McDonnell Hilligoss. In this book, the author, Karen McDonnell Hilligoss, shares in intimate look at her life as a wife and mother and provides the audience with an in-depth profile of her struggles with her faith in God. Karen candidly reveals her doubts in God but also details the profound miracles that occurred to her. This is a book about triumph and demonstrates that God is all powerful and loving and that God will bestow miracles on any person who really needs a miracle. I was overwhelmed with joy to read the book and to learn how Karen’s life has changed for the better and how Karen is now filled with joy and optimism. I was pleased to read about Karen’s journey and to learn how she has a profound belief in God or an actual “knowing” that there really is a God who created the universe and all of the creatures. I believe that Karen has learned the most important lesson of her life as she has learned that God loves her unconditionally. I can certainly say that this book touched my heart very deeply and that after reading Karen’s book, I can certainly testify I felt that God was sending me a personal message that He has nothing but unconditional love for me. This book teaches a profound lesson about God, and I wholeheartedly would recommend that this book is for everyone.

Mary Brosnan
New York, New York

The book by Karen M. Hilligoss is an inspirational life story, in which the author shares how the teachings of Wayne Dyer supported and inspired her in her own journey. I appreciated reading about the support and healing that Hilligoss describes experiencing from knowing Wayne Dyer’s work. The messages are felt throughout the book. Among my favorites is the message that “love is eternal.”


Amazon Review
I enjoyed reading Karen’s book about her struggles and about finding hope and purpose in her life. This is very important for us to have a spiritual understanding and to be able to see how life events line up and about having faith. I think that Dr. Dyer taught about having faith in the big picture in the grand scheme of things and relating this to each moment in our life. Karen shares her story in a way I can relate to in a simple and honest way.

Amber Wright,
Seattle, WA

I read the book in one evening. I just could not put it down. It kept my interest and curiosity engaged. However, as I proceeded through its pages, some questions came up and I kept waiting for the answers.

• How are your children doing now. Being a Mom of seven children that is important to me.
• What exactly from Dr. Dyer did change your life for better? (I am a faith filled person who has had miracles of my own and I don’t deny their existence. I just could not put my finger on what he was saying to you.)

Holding these unanswered questions, I will look forward to your next book to hopefully find the answers.

Joanne Lewis
Saint Louis, MO