How the “Father of Motivation” Taught Me That Life Is Worth Living

What do we really control, if anything, during this worldwide COVID-19 pandemic?

Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.”

Yes, we are certainly living in a worldwide pandemic of illness over which we have absolutely no control.  However, Dr. Wayne Dyer wisely commented that one can not control what goes on outside in the world.  Yet, Dr. Dyer gave us words of inspiration and joy.  Dr. Dyer reminded us that we can always control what goes on in the inside of ourselves.  When we see a virus outbreak such as this, how do we react?

Do we react with fear?
Do we react with worry?
Do we react with uneasiness?
Do we react with trepidation?

All of these are normal reactions.  However, we can also follow Dr. Dyer’s words of wisdom and we can change our reactions.  Let us use this opportunity to look inside of us.  Do we change our inside reaction to one of:

Reacting with courage?

Reacting with trust?

Reacting with calmness?

If we read the scriptures in the bible, there is a passage that says, “Perfect love casts out all fear.”  One of the absolute truths that Dr. Dyer consistently taught is that fear and love cannot exist in one’s heart at the same time.  So, I am using my time to write and add to my personal journal everyday.  I am adding all of the things that make me feel love.  I find that this exercise is a powerful exercise to cast out all fear.

Please let me know what all of you are doing in these turbulent times to help keep your emotions positive!



All future public book signings are currently on hold due to COVID-19 pandemic

I am pleased to announce that we were able to hold our first three public book signings earlier this year:

January 18, 2020- Book Signing held in Naperville, IL

January 25, 2020- Book Signing held in Orland Park, IL

February 8, 2020- Book Signing held in Yorkville, IL

However, all book signings that were scheduled for March and April are currently cancelled.  We pray that the world finds a cure for the corona virus Godspeed.  Namaste!



There is more power in being “for” something than in being “against” something

Dr. Wayne Dyer once said, “Everything you’re against can be restated in a new way that puts you in support for something.  Instead of being against war, be for peace.  Instead of being against poverty, be for prosperity.  Instead of joining a war on drugs, be for purity in our youth.”

During this worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, I have found much solace in this quote by Dr. Wayne Dyer.  I believe that we cannot focus on being “against” things as that attitude actually puts us in a state of resistance.  Instead, it is far more helpful to describe what we are “for” such as:

Being for health

Being for optimism

Being for a cure for the corona virus

Being for mental health and wellness

Being for the alignment of the social consciousness

Being for the well-being and health of all mankind and all animals.

Thus, I have made it my daily meditation practice to say these powerful affirmations each and everyday.  I feel more peaceful and secure when I meditate to these affirmations.  I realize that there is much more power in what we are “for” than what we are “against.”  Dr. Wayne Dyer has left us with a legacy of universal principles to help guide us through these turbulent times.

It is at this precise moment that I feel even more gratitude for Dr. Wayne Dyer’s intercession in my life.  He has certainly changed my life for the better, and I whole-heartedly believe that he can change yours.  During this time of confinement, please read some of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s books for more inspiration!

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome. My name is Karen M. Hilligoss, author of How the “Father of Motivation” Taught Me That Life is Worth Living. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here.

I’ll be using this blog to interact with you about How the “Father of Motivation” Taught Me That Life is Worth Living, expanding on some of the topics in it and blogging on some of the ideas related to my book. This is a great place for you to get to know me, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you, too. What did you think of How the “Father of Motivation” Taught Me That Life is Worth Living? What questions do you have for me? How do you relate to my book?

I’ll be returning here frequently with new posts and responses to feedback from you. Until next time, tell me a little bit about yourself.