Guilt and worry are useless emotions

Dr. Wayne Dyer once said, “Throughout life, the two most futile emotions are guilt for what has been done, and worry about what might be done.”

When I look back at the stressful times in my life, my mental stress stemmed from thoughts of guilt and worry.  I have always been an overachiever and I was raised in the Catholic faith so I know a few things about guilt.  I have felt guilt for not studying hard enough, not working hard enough, eating too much, exercising too little, forgetting the birthday of an important person in my life, and not organizing and decluttering my home, etc. etc.  You can easily see the picture of my worries.  But, it is important to remember that once the day is done and the decisions are made, the day is over.  We don’t get a redo.  So, Dr. Wayne Dyer is absolutely correct when he notes that guilt is a wasted emotion.

If you did not study enough or you didn’t stick to your diet in one day, take a few seconds to acknowledge that fact but place all of your energies and efforts into thinking ahead about the future and then, plan how to change your habits for the better.  Spend time thinking about how in the future you will send best wishes to a loved one for a birthday and perhaps plan for a gift that you will give him or her.  Your loved one will understand your accidental omission.  After all, we are only human.

As for worry, this is yet another emotion that I allow into my thoughts far too often such as worrying about the security of my employment position, worrying about my family’s health, worrying that my children will pass school or succeed in school, and even worrying about what the traffic conditions will be like due to the evolving weather patterns.  Again, to allow oneself to be engulfed in worry serves no purpose and it can manifest into many physical symptoms such as sleep deprived nights, migraine headaches, and even gastrointestinal issues.  While most of my adult life I would characterize myself as a relentless worrier, I am proud to say that I have changed my thinking patterns.  Now, when a worry crosses my mind, I acknowledge this worry as a natural thought and emotion, and I vow to meditate on solutions.

If my worry is a financial one, I use Dr. Dyer’s guided meditations, and I envision my financial woes being solved and no longer being an issue for me.  The more that I practice meditation and focus my thoughts on the positive, the more that I find my life situations turn out to be positive.  I once was financially strapped but I meditated instead of worrying.  Within one week, to my surprise, I found an uncashed check from a former employer for a substantial amount that I had forgotten to cash, and the check was sitting in my kitchen cabinet drawer.  The more that I meditate and re-focus my mind on dispelling all of my worries, the more positive the outcomes in my life become.

Thus, to all of you, I unequivocally echo in Dr. Dyer’s famous words.  Please do not waste any of your emotions on fear or worry.  Northing good emanates from such thoughts.


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